We welcome new people to become coaches or just to be a mentor. For info email the Coaching Director via office@act.orienteering.asn.au Scroll down through the various articles below.
Coaching Positions 2016 ( as at April 2016 )
Apply to become a Level 0 Community Coach ( suitable for Sporting Schools )
Apply to become a Level 1 Coach
List of current accredited coaches ( as at April 2016 )
Coaching Scholarship Information
More Coaching News
Apply for Level O ( Community Coach ) Accreditation
Monday, 21 March 2016
It is easy to apply to coach in schools and to community groups. This is suitable for Sporting Schools teaching. Please email us and we will guide you through teh process. Then simply fill in the application form below and email your application to both schools@act.orienteering.asn.au and office@act.orienteering.asn.au
Form to be an Orienteering (Level 0) Community Coach
I , _________________________________________
(name) _______________ (date of birth)
am applying to become
an Orienteering ( Level 0 ) Community
I am at least 16 years of age on the day I apply. ( see note*)
I have attended the 2 hour workshop.
Name of Instructor………………………. Date ………………………
I have attached a copy of my Purple card (ACT WWVP).
If I intend to work in Queanbeyan or NSW I have attached my NSW WWVP number from the RTA ( write N/A if not applicable ).
I have completed the ASC on-line course and attached a
copy of the certificate of completion.
I have done 4 orienteering events in the last 6 months at
easy or above level.
I am a financial member of OACT and will continue to do so
whilst I coach Orienteering. Name of
I have completed a lesson plan.
I have delivered a lesson that has been observed by …………………………… and deemed of a suitable standard
I am familiar with the following OACT website pages : New to Orienteering, Juniors & Schools, Coaching &
Tips, Become a Member, Events. I am also familiar with Eventor - how to become a member and looking for an event.
I understand the following terms, Blue Sparks, Blue
Lightning, Eventor.
I have attached copies of all necessary documents and I
declare that they are all true copies.
I understand it may take 4 weeks for my application to be
I understand re- accreditation needs
to be done every 4 years.
*Note regarding Age - To be awarded a Level 0
Orienteering Certificate by OACT no age limit applies. To be registered as a Sporting Schools Coach Orienteering
Australia deems that you must be 17. To be awarded a Level 1 Orienteering Certificate
OA states you must be at least 16 on the day you apply. To clarify, 16 year olds can coach in the
community and in a club but OA requires that you must be 17 to receive benefit
from the Australian Government’s Sporting Schools Programme.
coaching index |
How to find Coaching Information
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Administrator - Always Keep this news item as the most recent. Users will then just keep scrolling down the page until they see the index and the news article they want.
Coaching Positions 2016
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Apply for Level O ( Community Coach ) Accreditation
Monday, 21 March 2016
It is easy to apply to coach in schools and to community groups
Apply for Level 1 Coach Accreditation - Updated Nov 2016
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Checklist and Application Form
List of Accredited Coaches in the ACT 2016
Monday, 14 March 2016
An updated list of all level 0, 1, 2 and 3 coaches accredited in the ACT
Map Reading and other coaching workshops Term 4 2015
Monday, 5 October 2015
Theo and Emil our scholars are offering these
Old advert for scholar position
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
actually thsi was publsihed March 2016 just before new website was launched
Coaching Scholarship 2016 - 2017
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Now available from 2016 to 2017
Coaching Positions 2015
Saturday, 20 December 2014
A list of current coaching coordinators
Proposed Coaching Calendar for 2015
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Please see events page or contact the office for details.