We welcome new people to become coaches or just to be a mentor. For info email the Coaching Director via office@act.orienteering.asn.au Scroll down through the various articles below.

Coaching Positions 2016                         (  as at April 2016 )
Apply to become a Level 0 Community Coach ( suitable for Sporting Schools )
Apply to become a Level 1 Coach   
List of current accredited coaches            ( as at April 2016 )
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Apply for Level 1 Coach Accreditation - Updated Nov 2016

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

ACCREDITATION AS A LEVEL ONE ORIENTEERING COACH in the ACT                                    Form  Updated Nov  2016 

We try to make this process as easy as possible whilst still maintaining quality assurance. . If you have any problems at any step please contact us. Prior Learning can be recognized and there is flexibility.

Print this off and give this to the ACT  Coaching Coordinator. For assistance in filling out this form please contact Orienteering ACT office@act.orienteering.asn.au. Accreditation for Level 1 is determined by the State Body (OACT) but managed and issued  by the National Body - Orienteering Australia( OA) . Please refer to the OA website  (see Note B below )for details on Level 1 requirements.

This form has been uploaded to assist ACT applicants.  You may find Level 0 - Community Coach - accreditation (easier than Level 1) more suitable to your requirements - for example if you want to teach orienteering in schools only. OA has details on Level 0 accreditation.

Exceptions to the following requirements (eg based on prior experience or learning or special circumstances) may be made at the discretion of the ACT Coaching Director.   



I  ,     __________________________________ (name) _______________ (date of birth)

am applying to become a level  ONE  coach  in Orienteering

I have attached the following documentation


  1. Certificate of Completion for the ASC Online course "Community Coaching - General Principles"

  2. Evidence of attendance at a 7 hour OA approved coaching workshop.  Ask the provider to sign a one sentence statement that you attended and were assessed as satisfactory in two modules (see item 3).

  3. Evidence that you were assessed as satisfactory in two modules on the workshop. Choose two from Map/Terrain / Navigation / Compass / Control Taking / Basic competition Skills. 

  4. Evidence that you have  at least OA Bronze Standard Navigation. You can provide this is various ways. The easiest way is to read Note D below and  to email the OA badge email address asking for proof. Or visit the OACT contacts page  At the bottom of that page under "Badge Awards" is a link and the same OA badge email address.  Or you can take a photo of your badge. Or provide a printout from the OA website that lists your name - please circle or bold your name. Email the OA office to find out where on the OA website you can get this info.  But the easiest way is usually to see note D below

  5. Find Section 6.1 of the Level 1 OA Coaching Syllabus  ( see Note C below ) Print page 55 ( in Appendix L or Attachment L ) five times  and fill it out for each of the following 

    1. Group Activity – plan and conduct ( two episodes )

    2. Ten week coaching programme for an individual or small group

    3. Novice Instruction at an O event or clinic

    4. Write a brief report on that  Beginner  Clinic

    5. Assist organising a training or competition event. 

  6. Signed a Code of Ethics form ( see Note A below)

  7. I am a financial member of ……………………  (club name) and thus of Orienteering Australia Inc

  8. I am at least 16 years old on the day I apply ( This restriction is under review and persons over 14 are encouraged to lodge an application as this restriction may be eased soon). Write Date of Birth here if under 16....................

  9. Copy of Vulnerable People Check ) ( or police check ) if coaching vulnerable people

  10. Send all the completed matters above to your State Coaching Coordinator or President  (see your website under “Administration” or "contacts")

  11. Please allow four weeks for this to be processed 

  12. I understand re- accreditation needs to be done every 4 years. 


Signed  ___________________________________  Date  _______________

Application must also be signed by Parent or Guardian if aged under 16 .

We are sorry this paperwork is so complicated.  OA and ASC make the rules. Please contact us at OACT - we are very happy to help.   

Notes A,B,C and D and useful Links 

A . Code of Ethics form. This is found on the Coaching page on the OA website at http://orienteering.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Coach-Code-of-Ethics-Orienteering.doc and the actual form to sign is also there at http://orienteering.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Coach-Code-of-Ethics-Agreement-Form-Orienteering.doc   but note only Page 1 needs to be attached to this application.

B. Orienteering Australia  Coaching accreditation page is found under Administration not Learning.

C. Orienteering Australia  Level 1 Syllabus document is currently dated Aug 2010 but it is the most recent, Item 6.1  Appendix L on the very last page ( p55)  is the most useful page to print out. You will need five copies. 

D . OA Badge AwardsBadge Awards. An explanation of how persons of any age can achieve a Gold, Silver or Bronze Badge award according to OA rules. The contact person in OA is John Oliver   oliver.family@bigpond.com





coaching index
How to find Coaching Information Tuesday, 29 March 2016 Administrator - Always Keep this news item as the most recent. Users will then just keep scrolling down the page until they see the index and the news article they want.
Coaching Positions 2016 Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Apply for Level O ( Community Coach ) Accreditation Monday, 21 March 2016 It is easy to apply to coach in schools and to community groups
Apply for Level 1 Coach Accreditation - Updated Nov 2016 Tuesday, 15 March 2016 Checklist and Application Form
List of Accredited Coaches in the ACT 2016 Monday, 14 March 2016 An updated list of all level 0, 1, 2 and 3 coaches accredited in the ACT
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Proposed Coaching Calendar for 2015 Saturday, 20 December 2014 Please see events page or contact the office for details.