Map Mates Winter 2014
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Map Mates Winter 2014 starts Sat 3 May . Registrations will open in Feb . Early Bird registrations a close April 4th 30th. Late entries close April 29th. Entries will be online via credit card. Watch the main events page. Grab your mates for some fun and orienteering adventure!Map Mates is a competition for teams of 2 - 4 kids who are under 13. It is a great way for kids to get their friends together and have even more fun orienteering. The Map Mates competition will run over 4 weeks in May and Nov each year. It is run twice a year -in conjunction with the Wednesday Twilight Series and the Winter Saturday & Sunday series. The event locations will be listed on the events page. Details and how to register will be listed on the events page. If you need more information please contact or David on 62478785. . Individual coaching is available for children (with parent present) on request at some events. Please email us. Map Mates Team based kids adventure orienteering challenge Four Wednesdays in Spring Term4 Oct/Nov - start anytime between 5 and 6 or Four Saturdays in Winter Term2 May - start anytime between 10.30 and 12 Any kids 13 yrs and under - teams of between 2 and 4 Rules of Competition: minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 people per team. Not all must attend every event, but at least 2 must compete together, for points to be counted. Each team needs a funky name (extra points for best name and best uniform) Easy or Very easy? Teams choose to navigate Blue (very easy) or Green (easy) courses depending on their level of experience. Points taken on the best 3 of 4 events. Cost: $tba ( + $2 booking fee) per competitor for series of 4 events. This will include a map per competitor and an electronic Sport ID for accurate time keeping. A discount applies if you book early. You will need : Running shoes, hat, sun cream, water bottle. Compass is optional. Register on line - see main events page for details
Register early for Early Bird Discount Phone 6247 8785 – juniors page.