Start Date  19/10/2017 7:45:00 AM
End Date 19/10/2017 8:45:00 AM
Event Name SC-ORE Orienteering #1, Nth Ainslie Primary School
Location Nth Ainslie Primary School

4 week, before school mini competition for primary school children.

SC-ORE info page

Contact school@act.orienteering.asn.au

Events Calendar

OACT Winter Program 2017
Program Brochure 

Street-Orienteering Summer - Autumn 2017
Mondays at 6pm. A different suburb each week

OACT Major Events 2017
Major Events

Australia Wide Events
Eventor Event Calendar

December 2017
06-Dec-17: Twilight #8, Red Hill

Event Calendar Notes

Various Event Programs are run in and around Canberra. Details of particular events will be in the OACT Weekly Bulletins. The majority of Canberra and region orienteering events are enter-on-the-day.

Embargoed Areas are currently in force. For a listing of all areas, see Embargoed Areas

In the event of a Fire Ban, an event scheduled in a bush location will be cancelled or replaced by an event in a location not affected by the fire ban. The most up to date information will be on the event web page or the front page of the OACT website.throughout the year. See Programs for an explanation of the different event series

Photographs are taken at events for online and magazine publication to assist in the promotion of orienteering. If you do not want your photo taken and published please advise registration at each event.

2018 Draft Program: 2018OACTDraftProgramrev14Aug.docx