Bushflyers suggestions

Thursday, 13 March 2014

 2014 Bushflyers Suggestions Responses from Jan – March 2014

Men 8 (Juniors and Vets) Women (4 Vets)

Governance  Questions – Should this be more formal?


  • Current arrangement seems to work well.

  • Yearly or 2 yearly, to give people a break and to bring in fresh blood/build understanding esp council rep positions to get people to understand OACT.

  • Seems good already.

  • Six month positions so people can try out and see if they enjoy it

  • I don’t think it is necessary

  • No,  I think adding extra formal elements limits the individuality of the different clubs. It also makes it harder for small clubs like the Emus which are probably struggling already with formalities. I think we need all our clubs and I think each club should have more scope to cater for different people. Eg Bushfliers has been very family and youth orientated in the recent years. W. Emus should be allowed to be the no frill quiet achiever club it is. Etc.

  • I think that it is probably time to have a small committee, simply as a means of more formally acknowledging the work that a few of the club members are currently doing (and have been doing). It does not need to be called a committee, as that very word may suggest a more structured group than is necessary – perhaps a “Bushflyers Representative Group’, or some more clever name might be considered!

  • It would serve as a reminder to all club members that: there are a few core people who do lots for the group; these people cannot continue for ever; these are low key opportunities to do something for the club and have some say in its direction (without having to go to ‘boring meetings’; and that the input from all members is not only welcome but encouraged. We don’t need job titles (such as ‘secretary’ etc) but perhaps the group could be seen as having a role in the maintenance of membership, and the advocacy of the club across a range of areas (ie from having a uniform, to a focus at all events, to a voice in the formal OACT structures.

  • I don't think we need a formal committee - it seems to me that we do well with a convenor and a general helper. I don't see why we need a Treasurer since we don't really handle money. We could get some other people to take on some of the general helper jobs and some of the experienced to do some writing jobs and could leave Toni to do wardrobe and social sec.

  • Yes, should be an Annual Meeting, nominations called for position/jobs and elections, with committee on website.

  • Could be a bit more structured but not if the result is that hands go up and nothing is done.

  • Happy with the informal networking manner of things but I would like to know a bit more about how it all works.

Note only one person said they were willing to fill a position.

Use of Tithes – every year each club is provided with a modest amount of funds from the earnings of events

Question: What other things would people like to see the Club funds used for?

  • Helping organise school activities, e.g., by producing training course maps for suitable locations near schools and paying a competent young adult orienteer to run a training activity.

  • New maps, software/training for software (can’t we pay someone to do this?)

  • More of the same, love the new uniforms and great we could support JWOC reps.

  • Other clubs pay for Badges for Badge events

  • Uniforms and fun activities

  • Running events, club trainings, Club equipment for training

  • Use for things that directly benefit the club – its surprising how little the club has to play with considering the size of membership.

  • I think the highest priorities are club awards and subsidies for uniforms. We only have small amount so have to be reasonably careful.

  • I can think of many things which club funds could be put to but I think a better question would be should clubs receive more revenue than present I think they should and if the clubs had more money in the till, people would find answering this question easier. I would like to have special fun prizes for certain BS major events just to make them more interesting.

  • Happy to use these to continue to subsidise uniforms a bit. I am expecting that if OACT supports JWOC/WOC participants this year and going forward, that we will begin to have a bit more in the bank, but it will take a year or so to really build up, maybe we could devote a little of this year's tithes to a particular SWARM.

Should we have a group to decide what?

  • Yes if anyone is interested

Event organising/volunteering

Question: Is this approach reasonable way to deploy volunteers? Are there better ways to share the volunteer load?

  • Maybe, but until we think of one let’s keep going with the current one, and well done Toni for organising it!

  • Needs to be a formal process so it doesn’t fall on one person to cajole others in – make clear what expectations are and how people who are unsure can build confidence eg formal mentors

  • Good at the moment

  • I agree with the approach you are using at present. It spreads the load a lot more than asking for volunteers. With newcomers we need to ensure an experienced person is also available

  • I’m happy with the way BSA are doing things.

  • This seems to be working well – many people are willing ‘to help’ but without the responsibility of management etc. One related issue is always that of having someone who is comfortable with the computers…

  • There is a need for careful and structured support and training (and more support) with the computer use. We have all become very used to having instant results, split times etc, so there is an ongoing need to have as many people as possible not only able, but willing to use the computers. Access to course designing software is also essential. This all points to the need for some specific training, and perhaps if this were at club level (with good accompanying manuals, etc), this club level of support might encourage an even better take-up of willing volunteers for all aspects of event organisation.

  • There is plenty of material available for event organisation etc – I’ve even presented a workshop on just this, and have a powerpoint presentation which I would be more than happy to share.

  • There are multiple additional ways of volunteering.

  • Would be good to share this job around a bit – knowing volunteers helps connect to the sport so much more.

Could there be an op-out option?  

One response only No. If people can’t or won’t help, they can make that clear with the current roster arrangement.

Social get-togethers (SWARMS) – currently we do these on an ad-hoc basis.

Question: Does this approach suit? Is there a better way?

  • Like family friendly approach

  • Good idea to have in lead up to significant events

  • Good having following an event and near an event

  • I think 3 or 4 per year are good. We are happy to have another turn later this year.

  • We could probably have some informal video nights as well of overseas orienteering carnivals or head cam videos of elite individuals just for coaching purposes. Can be done anywhere with today’s smart TVs.

  • It might be useful to be able to have perhaps 5/6 (?) over the year – planned and on the calendar in advance. They are better to be placed at events/strategic times through the year rather than on some arbitrary regular basis. It would be good to continue to develop get-togethers at all major events for a simple family meal at a pub or similar. It is essential that we continue to have family inclusive occasions.

  • Stop calling them Swarms – not funny, beginners do not know what Swarm means, has connotations of swarm of blowflies descending on food.

  • Seem as successful as any social functions I have ever experienced with the Club.

  • Its about right – everyone has very busy lives.


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