Hello and Welcome!

Thanks for volunteering to help! All our events are run by volunteers. If you need to change your rostered day ......
First please arrange a swap and then tell both the Event Organiser and the BSA Convenor. A description of duties is available on the Event Management page.
Hints on how to edit this page
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Use BSAroster as the tag Change the Publish date to change the order of the news items. There are three sections to this page 1 . The title and computer experience and logo
You can add or subtract to/from this at will.
I suggest you just add temporary late breaking news or important stuff as
2. The "news" section. Add a new article / roster as
necessary and in the same manner/format that you do with a news article. Only
the latest article will be shown. The news section is titled "Bushies Roster".
I can change it to something else if
you like!!
Only one (the latest) article will be displayed, older articles get pushed into
section 3. ( I can change it to have more than 1 news/roster article displayed.
There are no technical problems with having more than 1 (say 2 or 3) , however
it is not generally recommended as people usually will have to scroll down the
page to see it and they don't usually check for that. )
3. The 3rd section is the old news section. It is the news/roster summary, the same as old news
summaries on the home page of club news pages.
There is only one item here at present but will be added to as you replace
rosters with new ones.
hope some of that makes sense!!
Bill Jones
Roster Summary |
2017 Main Program Roster
Monday, 12 June 2017
Roster Main Program 2017
2016/17 Twilight Roster
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Roster for Twilight 2016/17
2016 Main Program Roster
Thursday, 7 April 2016
2016 Main Program Roster
2015/16 Twilight Roster
Thursday, 23 July 2015
2015/16 Twilight Roster - ready to Swarm into Spring
Bushflyers 2015 Main Program Roster
Monday, 9 February 2015
Roster complete for events 2015 May to October
Bushies Roster Twilight 14/15
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Twilight Roster complete
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Roster for April to Sept - Sat and Sun events
Twilight Series Summer 2013 - 2014 Bushflyers Roster
Monday, 25 November 2013
Bushies Roster
Old Rosters are stored here automatically.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Just in case anyone needs them.
Hints on how to edit this page
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
for those who need to edit this page