Sunday, 26 June 2016

Of MUGS, MUGS and MUGGERS................an Abominable report on QBIII at Coffs Harbour

The week before the storm hit but on the day it was fine and warm. Imagine watching a large pod of dolphins surfing just next to the intricate sand dune map at “Coff’s”. Not to mention the whales and the odd sea eagle surveying the scene.

Then there were the mugs  


  • 1. Just to prove that she is human, Jenny Bourne was a mug and made a rare error in the long distance on day
  • 2. This spoiled any chance of another big win. At least she made the rest of us feel better.













  • Carol Harding had a mug...........


  •  And Bob Allison got mugged – oops, that should read LOST








 In all, the QBIII weekend was a great success.

Day 1 began with some intricate sand dunes in which many came unstuck. Even a little off and you could miss the depression or was it a knoll?

Day 2 provided some very vague gully spur with long route choices and not too many collecting features if you “ran off”.

Day 3 at Coffs Campus looked simple enough but proved to be a very detailed complex of buildings, underpasses and stairways.

As this is an Abominable report, I can report that we all did “very well”, especially those who acted their age. We were represented by Ann, John, Belinda, Stephen and we can count Jen and Geoff.

Speaking of ages – it has been ages since the NSW MTBO championships just outside Lithgow. Julie and Sean were joined by Ann and John for the “frolicking” weekend. The trails were tough but we all prevailed even after Julie scavenging for breakfast on Sunday morning. Perhaps none of us had enough lunch, because the middle distance Sunday afternoon proved to be quite tiring and then we faced the long drive home. 



news summary
Of MUGS, MUGS and MUGGERS.... Sunday, 26 June 2016 Of MUGS, MUGS and MUGGERS................an Abominable report on QBIII at Coffs Harbour
FOCUS on Families - Lawford/Bourne Clan Thursday, 5 May 2016 Belinda Lawford posted some fantastic results at the NOL weekend at Wilpena SA.
Abominable Gathering Memoirs (AGM) - February 2016 Thursday, 5 May 2016 The annual gathering of Abominables was held (and not for the first time) at the “North Lyneham Yurt” on the 14th of February 2016
Abominable Gathering Memoirs (aka AGM) 2013 Sunday, 9 March 2014 The Abominable gathering was held at the Yurt in the Sanctuary at North Lyneham on Wednesday December 11th.