Event Management

Guidelines for the management of OACT events: 

  1. Planning Courses and Organising ACT Orienteering Events  Updated Oct'16. (Old version of appendices - will be updated soon)
  2. Event Organising for Saturday and Twilight (NEW Mar 2017)
  3. ACT Event Format Guidelines (revised Jan 2017) 
  4. Twilight and Metro Course Planning Guide (NEW March 2017)
  5. Successful Course Planning Word  PDF    Just how good was that Sprint.pdf
  6. Procedure to Obtain Pre-marked Maps Word   PDF  
  7. Taking Event Registrations (updated Jan 2017)
  8. Safety and Emergency Procedures Word    PDF 
  9. Organising a Mountain Bike Orienteering Event
  10. A Beginners Guide to Using OE2010 (updated 3/7/2011)
  11. Advanced Use of OE2010 SportSoftware (updated 21/6/2011)
  12. OE Results Format.zip (updated 29/6/2011) 
  13. Connecting Epson TM-T88IV Splits Printer to Computer (posted 15/06/2012)
  14. OACT Equipment Shed - access arrangements Jun 2015.docx (posted 01/07/2015) 

Reimbursement of Member Expenses

2012 Canberra Classic - OACT Risk Management Plan (Word.doc) (PDF)
2011 Oceania Champs - OACT Risk Management Plan (
Word.doc) (PDF)

Sample letter to landholders (Word.doc)
Orienteering and Your Land ACT (Word.doc) (PDF)

Reports/Articles Relating to Orienteering and the Environment
ACT Environmental Monitoring Report on 2010 Australian 3-Days
2012_9_12 Environmental Impact of an Orienteering event
2012_9_12 Appendix to Environmental Impact of an
Orienteering event (6.9 mgb)
2012.10.09 Measuring the impact of recreational events within national parks by David Hogg & Cormac Farrell
Environmental Hypochondria An article by David Hogg 
extracted from Environmental Practitioner Issue 2 June 2006 
Mt Ainslie South – Campbell Park Unexploded Ordnance Warning (November 2014)

What is Purple Pen?

If you are setting courses Purple Pen is a free software programme that is easy to use

Here is a short instruction video


And here are some screen shots to help
