Contact Orienteering ACT

Please contact Orienteering ACT if you have any questions about our programs, events, or any other matters. See the governance page for ABN and other numbers.

(02) 6162 3422  Mon,Tues,Thur 9am to 2pm.

The OACT Office is generally staffed from 9am-2.00pm Mon,Tues,& Thurs. However, this is flexible, so if you intend to visit the office to pick up gear, maps, or equipment shed keys, please ring Jill at the office on 61623422, or on her mobile 0447938807, or email, to arrange a time.

Physical Office: Building 3, Jamison Centre, Macquarie. (Upstairs, building closest to corner of Bowman and Redfern Streets - see map below) 
Postal Address: PO Box 402, Jamison Centre ACT 2614


Map of office location - Jamison

The office is located upstairs in the building highlighted in yellow. It is the building closest to the corner of Bowman and Redfern Street

Other Office Holders

Information about, and contact details for, other office holders can be found here.

For administration matters visit the administration page.  "About OACT" 

Feedback on this website and on OA Eventor website

If you are experiencing problems with or just have a general comment please email the OACT office or the  OACT Website Officer.

For feedback or questions regarding the Orienteering Australia (OA) website Eventor please email   Your feedback helps OA to make Eventor more user friendly. On the ACT New to Orienteering page there is a link to a guide to using Eventor.  
