Become a Member
Membership of Orienteering ACT is on a calendar year basis. Membership fees are:
- Family (couples/parents/guardians, including their Juniors and/or FT students under 26 at 31/12/2016) - $110
- Adult - $90
- Junior (less than 21 y.o. as at 31/12/2016) - $50
Membership provides the following benefits:
- Orienteering ACT (OACT) electronic newsletter three to four times per year;
- The Australian Orienteer colour magazine four times per year;
- discounted entry fees for all OACT Enter-On-the-Day events;
further discounts by purchasing a members only Season Pass;
- discounted purchases from The Runners Shop;
- eligibility to win Annual Awards;
- access to the special members only page on this website ( email office for password ); and
- reciprocal rights interstate.
Become a member on-line with Eventor
Eventor is orienteering's on-line membership and event registration system. To take out new membership or to renew your membership, please go to Eventor. Once there, you need to Log In. If you are new, Create a User Account first. The 'Create User Account' button is below the Log In button. Once registered you can then proceed to membership. If you are joining as a family, all family members need to be registered with an account first.
If you became a member by submitting a paper application form, and now you wish to access Eventor, you will need an Eventor username and password. To get these, go through the Registration process, at which point you nominate a username and password. Eventor will then recognise you as a member.
For an overview of Eventor and how to use it, please see this document: Eventor - Making Life Easy . Email us at the office if you have any questions.
Download Application Form
The Membership Application Form for Orienteering ACT is available here - 2017 Membership Application -new members only (valid Oct 2016 -Dec 2017). This membership form is for new memberships only.
If you are an existing member and you wish to renew via a paper application, use 2017 Membership Application -renewal Print and forward to OACT with payment.